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How safe is your milk?

Written by Laurent Charlier | 24 janv. 2022 09:23:48

Milk is sometimes being adulterated, i.e. some substances are intentionally being added to it.


FSSAI (Food Safety and Standards Authority of India) fixes the standards that milk should have to be fit for human consumption.

For example, Melamine has been shown to be illegally added to dairy food products, to raise the apparent protein content (e.g. melamine crisis in China in 2008).

Milk samples must be tested to check whether they comply with standards or not. 

For more than 20 years, Unisensor offers rapid testing solutions to fight food fraud, and in particular, we provide rapid assays detecting Melamine adulteration or Extraneous Cow Milk.

Source : mumbai.citizenmatters.in / Samer Daboul - Pexels